PowerPoint presentations have taken a lot of flack lately, but mostly because there are so many people who don't present well and abuse the concept of the presentation slide.
By the way, in case you haven't seen this hilarious and spot on video of how NOT to use PowerPoint:
But that doesn't take away the fact that a compelling presentation (yes even one that uses PowerPoint effectively) is a great indicator of whether you have a very strong value proposition and brand-building story.
I was thinking of the connection between great presentations and great brand-building this morning during a client presentation. Before we pitched our "stuff", we spent an appropriate amount of time really building up the need for our services. We talked about how the world of marketing has changed, how the consumer has changed. We talked about the shift from a megaphone-based approach to a conversation-based, community-building approach. And then we outlined how we could help the client get there.
It worked.
Then I got to thinking about how much our own web site needs to improve, and the rest of our marketing. And the reality is that the foundation of marketing our services is in the presentation that we gave today.
Here are some of the best presentations ever given. Think about how they could be foundations for building a brand around these ideas. And dust off your presentation slides to see if you're articulating a powerful value proposition.